Get started

The Westeros API provides programmatic access to read Game of Thrones data. Retrieve a character, provide an oauth connexion, retrieve a familly, filter them, etc.

To use this API, you need an API key. Please contact us at jon.snow@nightswatch.wes to get your own API key.

get characters

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :


Field Type Description
secret_key String Your API key.
search String (optional) A search word to find character by name.
house String (optional) a string array of houses:
alive Boolean (optional) a boolean to filter alived characters
gender String (optional) a string to filter character by gender:
m: male
f: female
offset Integer (optional - default: 0) A cursor for use in pagination. Pagination starts offset the specified offset.
limit Integer (optional - default: 10) A limit on the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100.


The Westeros API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
X000 Some parameters are missing. This error appears when you don't pass every mandatory parameters.
X001 Unknown or unvalid secret_key. This error appears if you use an unknow API key or if your API key expired.
X002 Unvalid secret_key for this domain. This error appears if you use an API key non specified for your domain. Developper or Universal API keys doesn't have domain checker.
X003 Unknown or unvalid user token. This error appears if you use an unknow user token or if the user token expired.